SMS Marketing: Because Sliding into DMs is Now a Business Strategy

4 min read

What’s crackalackin’, fellow captains of industry? It’s your girl Uyo, the entrepreneur who’s been hustling harder than a squirrel in a nut factory since 2010. Today, I’m here to drop some knowledge bombs about a marketing strategy.

SMS Marketing: The Prodigal Son Returns

Remember SMS? That thing you used to do before sliding into Instagram DMs became an Olympic sport? Well, guess what? It’s back, baby, and it’s here to make your marketing team’s collective jaw hit the floor harder than when I try to explain TikTok to my grandma, LOL.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Uyo, girl, isn’t SMS older than the leftovers in my office fridge?” Well, hold onto your avocado toast, because SMS marketing is making a comeback that would make the McRib jealous.

Let’s peep some stats that’ll make your head spin:

  • The U.S. SMS marketing market is growing 20.3% annually, hitting $12.6 billion by 2025. That’s more growth than the extra pounds we all put on during quarantine!
  • SMS campaigns have a 98% open rate. Email marketers are crying in the corner, clutching their pathetic 40% open rates.
  • 48% of consumers prefer business texts over emails. That’s right, people WANT you in their pants… pockets. Get your mind out of the gutter, HA!

If you’re not collecting phone numbers yet, you’re about as behind the times as my AOL email address. But fear not, my technologically challenged comrades! I’m here to guide you through the treacherous waters of SMS marketing like a slightly inebriated, but well-meaning, lighthouse keeper.

Why SMS Marketing is Hot

Before we dive deeper, let’s talk about why SMS marketing is the G.O.A.T. (That’s “Greatest Of All Time” for you dinosaurs still using flip phones).

  1. Instant Gratification: In a world where people have the attention span of a goldfish on Red Bull, SMS delivers faster than Jimmy John’s on steroids.
  2. Personal Touch: It’s like whispering sweet nothings into your customer’s ear, except it’s about your latest sale and not how much you’ve had to drink.
  3. Higher Engagement: With those ridiculous open rates, you’ll get more engagement than a Kardashian Instagram post. Minus the plastic surgery rumors.
  4. Mobile-First: People are more attached to their phones than I am to caffeine. And that’s saying something.
  5. Immediate Impact: Need to get the word out faster than gossip in a small town? SMS has got you covered.

How to Crush SMS Marketing Like a Bug (But in a Good Way)

Alright, future SMS superstars, let’s break down how to slide into those DMs without coming off creepier than that guy on social who still uses “What’s your sign?” as a pickup line.

1. Build Your List (Without Breaking Laws or Hearts)

First up, you need digits. But remember, consent is sexier than a well-tailored suit. Here’s how to score those numbers:

  • Checkout Charm: “Want deals hotter than my abs? Check this box for SMS alerts!” (Results may vary. Abs not included.)
  • Text-to-Join Seduction: “Text ‘ILOVEMONEY’ to 12345 for a discount that’ll make your wallet sing!”
  • Social Media Sorcery: “Drop your number in the comments! We promise we won’t sell it to that weird guy who keeps liking your beach photos from 2013.”
  • QR Code Quests: Slap QR codes everywhere like you’re trying to win a graffiti contest. “Scan for secrets spicier than your grandma’s chili recipe!”

2. Craft Messages Sharper Than Your Ex’s Tongue

Now that you’ve got the numbers, it’s time to craft messages so irresistible, they’d make Shakespeare weep with envy:

  • Keep it Snappier Than a Hangry Crocodile: You’ve got 160 characters. Make ’em count like you’re splitting a dinner bill with your stingy friends.
  • Personalization is Key: “Hey {FirstName}!” is cute. “Hey {FirstName}, still dreaming about that red dress you almost bought?” is borderline stalker, but effective!
  • Timing is Everything: Send that 3 AM “U up?” text to your ex, not your customers. Unless you’re selling sleep aids. Then go nuts.
  • Call-to-Action Clearer Than Your Conscience: Tell them what to do, or they’ll just sit there like me at a vegan restaurant.

3. Segment Like Your Life Depends On It

Not all customers are created equal. Some are the Golden Goose, others are just… well, geese.

  • VIP Squad: Treat your big spenders like royalty. “Exclusive deals for our baller customers who keep our lights on!”
  • Window Shoppers: “We see you eyeing that product. Here’s a discount to help you commit. We believe in you!”
  • The Ghost: “We miss you more than our high school metabolism. Come back?”

4. Measure, Analyze, Obsess

Numbers don’t lie, unlike your friend who swears they’ll “pay you back next week.”

  • Click-Through Rates: If your CTR is lower than my self-esteem after a haircut, it’s time to step up your game.
  • Conversion Rates: Are people buying? No? Maybe it’s time to sell something other than your collection of rare belly button lint.
  • Unsubscribe Rates: If people are leaving faster than guests at a vegan BBQ, you might want to ease up on the texts.

5. Stay Compliant or Get Spanked (Not in a Fun Way)

Breaking SMS laws is about as smart as using “password123” for your bank account.

  • Get consent like your business depends on it (because it does).
  • Make it easier to unsubscribe than it is to ghost a bad Tinder date.
  • Don’t text after 9 PM. That’s booty call territory, and we’re running a respectable business here. Mostly. LOL

The Grand Finale: Go Forth and Text!

There you have it, folks! You’re now armed with more SMS knowledge than my 12-year-old son with unlimited data. Go forth and text your way to marketing glory!

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound SMS superpowers for good, not evil. Unless by “evil” you mean “making boatloads of cash.” Then by all means, unleash hell.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go respond to the 47 text messages I got while writing this guide. Popularity is such a burden. Ugh!

Uyo out!

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